
Power of Good Ingredients
I believe that good ingredients are the heart and soul of a good cleaning soap.

Click on the ingredient picture below for more information provided by our suppliers. And if you want some research and science on these ingredients and components used topically on the skin of humans and hounds, and even horses, check out the database of clinical studies. Then you can type in the search bar for certain ingredients.

My “cooking” process

I depend on fire, muscle power, and gravity to keep our small kettle manufacturing simple. And, WARHORSE partners with southeastern farmers like Clay at Oliver Farms in Pitts, Georgia and other flaxseed and pumpkin agribusinesses in the northern states to support farming.

WARHORSE follows the EPA Green Chemistry Initiative for the development of safer products. We do a random 3rd party lab NO detectable glyphosate (Round Up) and 44 pesticides.