Hand and Body Soap + Concentrated

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Hand and Body Soap + Concentrated

from $18.00

My soap recipe is extraordinary—versatile, powerful, and gentle. The core ingredients work for humans, hounds, and horses with a combination of Omega 3, Beta Carotene, and Vitamin E profiles that help with cleaning even sensitive skin. And it cleans just about any washable surface in the home or on the farm. A little cleans a lot.

I send random samples to Cornerstone Labs to test for any detectable glyphosate (Round UP) and 40 pesticides. So far, none detected. The lab report is posted here.

Soap-making chemistry (been around for thousands of years) allows me to saponify plant oils in my stainless steel kettle and make an exceptional concentrated, multi-use soap.

The Lebermuth essential oils are light to medium scents. I use less than 1% by weight so the essential oils don’t have long-lingering and overwhelming scents. Who wants to wash their hands before a wonderful meal and smell lemon, mint, or cedar instead of the food?

Hounds and horses probably rather not have any scent, so I offer an unscented option.

Lemon Lavender is a sweet and sour mix of Lemongrass, Lavender, and Geranium essential oils. It’s a medium-level scent and our most popular skin pleaser for humans, hounds, and horses.

The Cinnamon, Orange, and Clove essential oil blend has a distinct, medium scent. The cinnamon and cloves are certainly present, with a little sweetness added to the orange. If you don’t like cinnamon and clove, try another scent option.

The Rose Geranium is a VERY light geranium scent. Some say it reminds them of their grandmother—not sure if this is good or bad!

The Eucalyptus Spearmint is our strongest-smelling scent with an equal blend of Eucalyptus and Spearmint essential oils. It’s a stronger medium, tingling scent.

The Cedarwood Spice is a mix of Texas Cedarwood and Orange essential oils. . It leans heavily on the cedar, so if you don’t like the smell of cedar, you won’t like this one.

The Unscented has no essential oils added. This version is best for outdoor cleaning, and for people who do not want any scent added.

Our bottles and pumps are made in Florida, and ready for reuse or recycling (we hope you’ll put something in them instead of tossing them in the bin).

Our labels are removable so there is no residual glue left on the bottle when you peel it off. This makes recycling easier since some labels and glue are so aggressive that recycling companies cannot use them.

Essential Oil Blend:
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I send random samples to Cornerstone Labs to test for any detectable glyphosate (Round UP) and 40 pesticides. So far, none detected. The lab report is posted here.

Soap-making chemistry (been around for thousands of years) allows me to saponify plant oils in my stainless steel kettle and make an exceptional concentrated, multi-use soap.

The Lebermuth essential oils are light to medium scents. I use less than 1% by weight so the essential oils don’t have long-lingering and overwhelming scents. Who wants to wash their hands before a wonderful meal and smell lemon, mint, or cedar instead of the food?

Hounds and horses probably rather not have any scent, so I offer an unscented option.

Lemon Lavender is a sweet and sour mix of Lemongrass, Lavender, and Geranium essential oils. It’s a medium-level scent and our most popular skin pleaser for humans, hounds, and horses.

The Cinnamon, Orange, and Clove essential oil blend has a distinct, medium scent. The cinnamon and cloves are certainly present, with a little sweetness added to the orange. If you don’t like cinnamon and clove, try another scent option.

The Rose Geranium is a VERY light geranium scent. Some say it reminds them of their grandmother—not sure if this is good or bad!

The Eucalyptus Spearmint is our strongest-smelling scent with an equal blend of Eucalyptus and Spearmint essential oils. It’s a stronger medium, tingling scent.

The Cedarwood Spice is a mix of Texas Cedarwood and Orange essential oils. . It leans heavily on the cedar, so if you don’t like the smell of cedar, you won’t like this one.

The Unscented has no essential oils added. This version is best for outdoor cleaning, and for people who do not want any scent added.

Our bottles and pumps are made in Florida, and ready for reuse or recycling (we hope you’ll put something in them instead of tossing them in the bin).

Our labels are removable so there is no residual glue left on the bottle when you peel it off. This makes recycling easier since some labels and glue are so aggressive that recycling companies cannot use them.